During Lockdown when travel was limited, I began experimenting with light painting at home and in the garden. Over the years this developed, and we can now offer bespoke light paintings to mark special occasions and events with a beautiful starry backdrop.
They can be created at a distance and the images and video sent to you. Or you might like to be present to see the drone create the outline, like a sparkler, in the sky. Then you can view the back of the camera to see the creation as it is formed. Some locations allow us to offer deck chairs, blankets and hot chocolate for extra comfort.
We can show you how to add your own wording to a design, with a torch and freeze that moment in one photographic frame. You can be a part of the design if you wish, standing under it or writing with light. No AI, just a moving light attached to a drone and long exposure to capture your special moment. Many of the images are 90m tall and can create mesmerising reflections when placed over water.
The drone light paintings have been used to propose under and then the image was used as a “Save The Date” card to announce the wedding! One has been used as a tech book cover and even a cake decoration!
They have also been used the celebrate the life of a loved one or pet. We can create a meaningful design to represent your special person or animal and paint it in the sky. A silhouette of your beloved can also be created from a photo. Their signature could be reproduced too. You will of course, have your own ideas and we can adapt those.
The preparation process involves creating a paper drawing and manually programming the drone’s flight path to produce that outline, then testing it locally. It takes time to ensure the many steps are all error free and the design matches your plan.
The lighted drone’s flight path is captured by long exposure to create an image that will match your paper plan. We also create a video of the process including a Timelapse of the flights which will show the drone painting your design.
To view more images please click here
If you would like to know more, please get in touch.